You Do You, Boo

“You need to be there for your children. That’s your job. The kids come first. You can’t keep saying yes,” she said.

When I heard this comment, I found myself getting really defensive. I thought, “I AM there for my children! I know it’s my job and damn it, you don’t have any right to judge me!”

But what I said was, “Agree. Completely.” And then went into a story about how I pick them up from school every day just so she could see I was a good mom.

Ugh!!! Why do I still allow myself to get defensive over these comments?

Y’all. As moms we’re doing the very best we can. And guess what.. for some of us it means owning a business or working full-time. And guess what else? Moms who run businesses are no less than the moms who stay at home with their kids. They’re no better either.

We do what works for us and our kids. I get a thrill out of helping other women in their businesses. And as a result, I’m a better mama because I’m getting what I need.

And yes, some will read this and think, “How selfish.” But I respectfully disagree. I refuse to put my needs below everyone else so that I can be a martyr. My kids need their mama to have an identity because without it, I have less to give. 

Don’t let others make you feel less than because you’re a business owner. You do you, boo. You do you. #walkintoyourtruth

Rachel Perry