Get Up and Walk, Rachel!!
Today was the first day of school after winter break for the kids which meant I had a full day (well 9:30 - 3:30) of uninterrupted work time. Yes!! No guilt for working, no having to make lunches and no more trying to work in the nooks and crannies. C'mon. You mama CEO's know what I'm talking about, right?
My son ended up staying home because he had a bad cold and even though growing up, my mom would have told me to suck it up...I didn't have the heart to force him to go. Plus he had the Nyquil hangover and no teacher needs to deal with him feeling like that. LOL. And let's be real... he's 12 and can entertain himself though truth be told even though I said, "JM, you're not going to spend all day on electronics," he most definitely came close.
Ah. The life of a mamapreneur. :) I then legit had calls ALL. DAY. LONG. I didn't get up much at all. In fact, I managed to put JM to work (I mean, he wasn't that sick) and had him bring me water every time I asked. Ha! And no, that wasn't why I let him stay home... or was it?
But when 3:30 rolled around and I went to pick up the kids, I felt GROSS, y'all. GROSS. I just wanted to curl up and go to bed. All because I hadn't moved much. Sick. That being said... I DID get a ton of work done and my mind is about to explode with ideas but I've got to come up with a plan on how to combat the crap feeling at the end of the day. Any advice?