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You’re IN!!!

Business Bootcamp for Direct Sellers will run from Monday, January 20 - Wednesday, January 22nd.

During this training, I’ll be sharing with you the 5 most common mistakes direct sellers are making in their business, why these mistakes hold you back from the profitable business you want, and what to do to fix them!! 

Girl, you’re gonna walk away from this free training series with a clear and simple plan of action.

Sound good?

Here are just a few easy to-do’s I need you to check off the list to make sure you are in the group and ready to hit the ground running!

1- Join the “Direct Seller’s Pop-Up Community” Facebook group by clicking the button below.  This is where all of the trainings will take place!

2- Mark your calendars!! I will be going live in Facebook group each day (1/20, 1/21/, 1/22) at 12 PM/EST; 11 AM/CST; 10 AM/MST; 9 AM/PST.

3- Come and introduce yourself in the Direct Seller’s Pop-Up Community if you haven’t already!

Just click the button below to join!! See you in there!!

xx Rachel