Little Leaps Add Up!!
As part of James Wedmore’s Inner Circle Mastermind, Rachel Perry has just returned from her last Mastermind of the year.
This is a meeting with a group of like-minded peers who talk and challenge one another. It is also a time of reflecting, thinking, and learning, and Rachel is excited to bring some of what she has learned back to you!
If you’re feeling stuck and wanting to move forward in your life, you’ll want to join Rachel as she takes us through the process of being open to change, even without knowing all of the details up front.
Show Highlights:
At 4:11 - When you’re being called to do something more
At 5:26 - The importance of looking back to see how much you’ve grown
At 6:59 - We’re not always meant to know the whole story; this is part of our journey
At 8:08 - The power of gaining clarity and Rachel’s word of encouragement
At 10:00 - Surround yourself with people who “get” you
At 10:42 - It’s important to be in touch with your gut, especially when you’re being pushed down a path that feels uncomfortable
At 11:33 - Keep taking those steps forward, even when you don’t know what’s going on
At 12:40 - Rachel revisits her word for 2019: uncomfortable
At 14:58 - There are going to be times when you don’t want to do it anymore, but don’t stop
At 15:34 - Where are you going to be when you look back in November 2020? Stuck where you are now, or were you able to move forward?
At 15:58 - It’s ok to be uncomfortable
At 16:57 - Rachel’s vision for you
Show links:
Contact Rachel: rachel@rachelaperry.com
Schedule a Discovery Call with Rachel:
For more info about Rachel's private coaching program, click HERE.
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xx Rachel
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