You CAN Do Hard Things!
We all have hard days, weeks, months, sometimes years, but we always find ourselves through to the other side. Today, Rachel Perry shares an encouraging and uplifting message about how to push through the chaos and the nitty-gritty.
Rachel shares personal and inspiring stories about overcoming tragedy and how to embrace help through the mess of it all. No matter what you’re going through, this episode has empowering and uplifting words that you can carry with you through your journey. Join Rachel Perry, your host and biggest cheerleader, in this hopeful episode.
Show Highlights:
At 2:40 - Rachel talks about the importance of pushing through the thick of situations
At 4:00 - Recovering from tragedy and how to move forward
At 9:30 – Finding things to lean on during difficult seasons
At 11:00 – The power of acknowledging hard situations
At 14:45 – Reaching out to others and asking for help
At 16:40 – Exploring the balance between pride and humility
At 21:30 – Why quitting is a harder path long-term
Show links:
Contact Rachel: heyrachelperry@gmail.com
Schedule a Discovery Call with Rachel:
For more info about Rachel's private coaching program, click HERE.
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xx Rachel
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