How to Beat Overwhelm

We all know the feeling that leaves us paralyzed with anxiety, unmotivated, and stressed to the point of tears…. it’s overwhelm. As a business owner, it’s inevitable that some days are going to lead to overwhelming and stress-inducing circumstances, but we can learn to delegate and rewire those emotions.

 In this episode, Rachel shares her top tips to avoid overwhelm when it comes to your business and how to deal with it when we can’t avoid the overwhelm. Join Rachel in this episode to learn how you can identify when you’re getting to a point of crippling overwhelm and how to overcome it.

  Listen in to find out more.

Show Highlights:

·     ●      At 4:00 - What is overwhelm and the pressure it puts on us

●      At 9:40 - The crippling feeling of being overwhelmed and pushing through it

●      At 12:14 - The overwhelming feelings that accompany having your own business

●      At 14:13 - How someone might become overwhelmed

●      At 15:20 - Stopping to regroup and establish a clear vision

●      At 16:12 - The importance of giving yourself grace

●      At 17:43 - Setting a 90-day goal

●      At 19:40 - Learning to delegate and looking to see what you can pass off for someone else to do for you

●      At 22:00 - Creating a daily task list

●      At 24:00 - The beauty of patience and taking things one step at a time

  Show links:

For more info about Rachel's private coaching program, click HERE.

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xx Rachel

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