EPISODE 231: Why Relying on Family and Friends May Limit Your Direct Sales Success

Get ready to challenge your comfort zone and redefine success in your direct selling business. Are your family and friends really your ideal customers or team members? This episode unravels the complex dynamics of leaning on our loved ones for business support and why it might be holding you back more than you realize. Embrace the discomfort of stepping outside your comfort zone and unlock your potential for growth and expansion.

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EPISODE 230: How to Deal With the Network Marketing Haters

Get set to conquer negativity head-on and keep your growth trajectory intact. Today's episode comes with the promise of learning how to dismiss the naysayers and keep your focus on the prize. Join me through this personal journey where I share lessons from when I launched my direct seller CEO program. I'll share how I grappled with critics and ultimately realized that their stories do not define me or my journey.

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EPISODE 229: Detaching Yourself from the Outcome

Ever wondered how freeing it might feel to separate yourself from the outcome of your direct sales endeavors? Well, buckle up because I am about to showcase the transformative power of 'outcome-detachment' in the world of direct sales. I'll share my personal experiences and explore how my initial attachment to results acted as a stumbling block, and how it can significantly impede business growth.

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EPISODE 228: Maximizing Direct Sales Impact with Jessica Kane from Geniechat

Struggling with maximizing your impact in direct sales? Looking for an ally to help you with follow-ups, scheduling, content, and building million-dollar businesses? Cue Jessica Kane, creator, and CEO of Geniechat, a three-in-one app designed to help you soar in direct sales. Jessica, who is passionate about fostering relationships through engaging conversations, shares her insider's view and a wealth of experience on how to leverage the power of follow-ups for success.

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EPISODE 227: Turning Self-Doubt into Confidence for Direct Selling Triumph

Ready to challenge the lies you tell yourself? This empowering episode is a wake-up call for anyone seeking success in direct selling. We unpack the limiting beliefs that haunt our minds and hinder us from reaching our true potential. We tell you how these lies, no matter how harmless they seem, can cage you in your comfort zone, stifle your growth, and keep you from your higher calling. Tune in to learn how to overcome these inner obstacles, along with a potent strategy—the three C's—designed to help you tackle negative thoughts head-on.

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EPISODE 226: Overcoming Objections, Building Confidence and Staying Motivated

Are you feeling stuck in your direct sales journey, struggling to effectively build your team or share your business? I'm here to let you know that you're not alone. Today we delve into the common hurdles experienced by direct sellers and explore new strategies to overcome them. I'll show you how to shift your focus from convincing people to join your team to providing solutions to their problems. We'll discuss how to make your customer the hero of the story, thereby creating a more compelling proposition.

Let's uncover the power of content and connection in generating more leads, and learn effective methods for leading and motivating your team. We'll also talk about the importance of setting goals, forming good habits, and being connected with your team and community. I've got advice to help you maximize your time, keep your energy high, and stay focused on your objectives. So, why not tune in and discover how to elevate your direct-selling game?

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EPISODE 225: Adapting to Industry Changes and Fostering Relationships

Discover how you can revolutionize your direct sales approach by adapting to industry changes and fostering genuine relationships. I'll share my firsthand experience of facing resistance when I introduced Facebook parties, and I'll guide you on how to navigate outdated practices within your company. Trust me, if it worked in 2015, it doesn't necessarily mean it will work today!

This episode isn't just about selling products; rather, we explore the art of storytelling and personal connections. We'll unravel strategies to gain loyal, repeat customers and ascend the ranks without appearing pushy. So, buckle up for this engaging ride filled with essential tips and anecdotes to elevate your direct sales journey!

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EPISODE 224: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Ever tried juggling a business, your children's summer schedules, and your personal life? Sounds like a recipe for chaos, right? Well, that’s a lot of our lives right now! As school looms, the pressure is mounting, and the challenge of team building seems more daunting than ever. But press play, and let's turn those challenges into opportunities together.

In this episode, we're tackling the well-intentioned but poor advice that might be hindering your progress. We're flipping the script to make your prospect the hero of the story, not you. We're cautioning against leading with discounts and overloading potential team members with too much information. 

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EPISODE 223: Website building with Carbon + Clay! with Melissa & Sandra

Unlock the power of your personal brand with the help of our guests, Melissa and Sandra, founders of Carbon and Clay, the go-to Squarespace website design service. They demystify the process of building your own website, highlighting how it can supercharge your business and create a brand that is unapologetically you. From creating sales and generating leads even when you're not working, to the crucial components every high-converting website should have, this episode is packed with transformative insights.

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EPISODE 222: How to Sponsor Your Next 5 Team Members

Just imagine, you've got the confidence, the offer, and the seeds of opportunity, now all you need is the right mindset to cultivate a successful team in direct sales. Well, you're in luck! Join me, as I unravel the essential mindset shift required to make this happen. I'll walk you through how to put your prospects first, create a warm environment for your cold audience, and repeat the process until you've got a loyal customer base. And don't worry, we won't be sounding spammy; I'll teach you how to craft your signature story that genuinely communicates the opportunities your business offers.

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EPISODE 221: The Most Important Question to Ask a Prospect

Ever felt like there's something more out there for you, a calling that's bigger than your current situation? If so, don't miss out as I unravel the most powerful question that'll shift your direct sales conversations from typical sales pitches to compelling dialogues. This question is designed not just to engage the prospect, but to dig deeper into their desires, their dream life, and their unique journey. 

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EPISODE 220: Creating a Sponsoring Mindset

What if the only thing standing between you and direct sales success is a mindset shift? From fear of judgment to rejection, there's a great deal hiding beneath the surface that can hold you back. Join me as I unveil my personal journey in overcoming these mindset challenges in the direct sales industry. I'll let you in on some of the fears that plagued me when I started out, how I faced them, and how you too can conquer these hurdles.

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EPISODE 219: Why Sponsoring is Important

Hey direct sellers! Are you ready to shatter your fears and elevate your business to new heights? Get excited because we're embarking on a journey to explore the vital role of sponsoring and recruiting in direct sales. What separates successful leaders from frustrated ones? It's conviction! Harness the power of conviction to secure loyal customers and skyrocket your position, all without being pushy.

Don't underestimate the power of sponsoring - it's the foundation of a strong business. And guess what? You can enjoy two streams of income, your sales and commissions from your team. Yes, you heard it right! Let's dive into the sea of opportunities that sponsoring brings, and in the process, take your direct selling business to a whole new level.

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EPISODE 218: Breaking Free from the Comparison Trap

Do you often find yourself comparing your direct sales success to others and feeling like everyone else is doing better? It's time to break free from the comparison trap and stand in your power! In this episode, I share my personal struggles with comparison and reveal three powerful ways to overcome it so you can focus on your own journey and build a thriving business.

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